Friday, July 29, 2011

I Have Something to Say

Looking at the peculiarities of the human condition I am able to create worlds that explore senses and memory, while conveying a child-like sensibility. One cannot fully understand themselves as individuals unless one realizes a relationship with the environment. The exploration of one's space can range from awe to the uncanny.

Recently, the body has become more important to my work.By working with my body, I can push myself beyond what is comfortable emotionally and physically, in order to access raw emotion, and internal content. My intent is to reveal stories and situations that are biographical in nature, but removed from reality. Feminine identity and humanity's connection to environment are investigated in this body of work.

In the "Picking Fights" series I argue with inanimate objects. These performances may or may not produce dialogue that leads to another work, however, the action is the basis for the piece. The process of making the work is the product.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Picking Fights: Round One

The cake got the best of me yesterday, but I am going allow time this morning for a rematch. I didn't dig deep enough so today I am not going to hold back. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Listening for my Ancestors

The end is the beginning

With my time in Ireland over, I have two weeks here in Philadelphia to reflect and then react to everything I have seen/learned/experienced. I have learned so much about myself during the past month. I feel as if I pulled and squeezed everything out of me, but somehow I have to find more. Maybe I will reach a new depth, or maybe I will linger in this one for awhile. Some things I have been thinking about:
* Lipstick, gender, trust
* How to Bake a cake
* How to represent my own Deflowering
* The history of the female android
* Transplanted nervous system
* The real meaning of Aesthetic Theory- bullshit.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

man, woman, human

Lately I am focusing on identity, femininity, and the human experience within the environment. Finding identity and redefining identity through your surroundings is driving my work. Planting yourself like a seed into new soil and waiting to see what grows. The feminine form in the landscape, and personification of woman as landscape is an idea that I have been working on in the studio. The female, like the landscape, lies in wait to be conquered by the male and his gaze.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I want to find a way. Find a way to what? A way to tell a story, a way to a different road, or a way to an open door. I want to be open, not closed. I want to make work that is not about a product. Instead, it can be about the production. The process is becoming more and more important as a way to dictate the final piece.

Monday, July 4, 2011

walk doc

Over the course of the days I have spent, I have walked.... A LOT! I have been documenting these walks by doing "20 pace pick ups." Every 20 steps, I pick something up. Whatever it is, I take it back to the studio and photograph the objects as a record of the journey.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

total immersion

After reading about Richard Long, I have been thinking about my own work and what it means to record something-whether it be a walk or a meeting or an experience. I want to make records while I am here. I am currently recording myself interacting with the landscape on a physical level, in order to talk about interaction on a more symbolic, metaphorical and psychological plane. In addition to my walk records, I began to submerge, immerse or melt myself into the environment.